DVR System Digital Recorder
We use this to record various locations throughout the night. We use these throughout the locations to capture any sounds.
We use this to record various locations throughout the night. We use these throughout the locations to capture any sounds.
IR/Night Vision Cameras IR/UV Lights
We use these to record & video in the dark. These are used with our IR/Night Vision cameras to see objects in the dark.
We use these to record & video in the dark. These are used with our IR/Night Vision cameras to see objects in the dark.
Trail Cameras 12 Volt Lights & Battery Packs
We use these throughout the location to capture
pictures and video.
We use these throughout the location to capture
pictures and video.
K-2 Meters Laser Lights
These measure EMF and is used in conjunction These display a dot pattern on a wall and when a
with our Mel Meter. shadow passes in front of them the dots will disappear.
These measure EMF and is used in conjunction These display a dot pattern on a wall and when a
with our Mel Meter. shadow passes in front of them the dots will disappear.
Parascope, 360 Parascope, Temp Pod & PDA CAMERA Red Pod, 360 Motion Detector & R.E.M.H.D
These are made by Paranologies. The Parascopes are The red Pod is like a REM Pod detects energy. The motion
set off by static. The Temp Pod is set off by temperature detector works 360 degree and has roughly range of 40
changes 5 degrees colder or hotter. PDA Camera feet. R.E.M.H.D is a static and temp detector with a REM Pod
does live feeds with night vision that is hand held. These are made by ParaTronics
These are made by Paranologies. The Parascopes are The red Pod is like a REM Pod detects energy. The motion
set off by static. The Temp Pod is set off by temperature detector works 360 degree and has roughly range of 40
changes 5 degrees colder or hotter. PDA Camera feet. R.E.M.H.D is a static and temp detector with a REM Pod
does live feeds with night vision that is hand held. These are made by ParaTronics
Energy Rod, Resonance EM Speakers & SB-7
Energy Rod is a static detector. Resonance EM has We use the SB-7 to try and communicate with spirits. several modes: EM Pump, EM White Noise & EM Wave Mode Using speakers helps us hear better. These are made by Digital Dowsing
Energy Rod is a static detector. Resonance EM has We use the SB-7 to try and communicate with spirits. several modes: EM Pump, EM White Noise & EM Wave Mode Using speakers helps us hear better. These are made by Digital Dowsing